how to homeschool

How to Homeschool for Beginners When You’re Not Sure Where to Start!

If you’re reading this blog post, I take it you’re a newly homeschooling momma (or dad!) or looking to be.


I’ve created this beginners guide to help take some of the guess work out of becoming a homeschooling family by explaining what homeschooling is, how to get started, and answering some other frequently asked questions on the subject.

Grab yourself a cup of coffee and let’s learn how to homeschool!

The Beginners Guide to Homeschooling  

Homeschooling can be one of the most life-changing decisions you to decide to make!

In my early adult years, I was a public school early elementary teacher. Once I had my first child, I became a stay-at-home mom, sent my oldest to a private preschool and a traditional 5-day kindergarten, switched to a hybrid homeschool program for a couple of years, and have finally landed at full-time homeschooling!

Educationally speaking, you could say I’ve been around the block.

Homeschooling our kids was something my husband and I were interested in for quite awhile, but were hesitant to commit to for different reasons. However, this year became the perfect opportunity to give it a solid run and we have never been so at peace with a decision.

There are so many positives to being a homeschooling family that I look forward to sharing with you in the weeks and months to come!

But let’s start with the basics. ๐Ÿ™‚

What is Homeschooling? 

Homeschooling is simply educating your children outside of a traditional public or private school. It’s arguably the most flexible and diverse method of education available today!

However, there are many misconceptions surrounding this method. Chances are you’re already familiar with some of them:

  • Kids are stuck at home all day.
  • Homeschooled children aren’t properly socialized.
  • Parents aren’t qualified educators.
  • Only religious/faith-based families choose homeschooling.
  • Homeschooled children won’t be able to get into good colleges.

The good news, however, is that this isn’t an accurate depiction of homeschooling at all!

The “How to Homeschool” To Do List

  • Becoming a homeschool family is more simple than you may think! Here is a list of what I believe are the most important things you need to do as you’re getting started:
How to Homeschool for Beginners
  1. BEGIN
    • Get to know your state’s homeschool laws. HLSDA is a great place to start!
    • According to their website: New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island have the most homeschooling regulations. Maine, New Hampshire, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, Minnesota, North Dakota, Oregon, Washington, and Hawaii have moderate regulations, while the rest of the states have little to know regulations.
    • Spend some time researching and choosing curriculum. There are great curriculum reviews on YouTube! That’s how I got a good understanding of what was available when I first started. ๐Ÿ™‚
    • If you so desire, connect with other homeschool groups or co-ops in your area. Facebook groups seem to be how many homeschoolers communicate these days, but you can also do a google search or ask around your area.
  4. PLAN
    • Establish a routine or schedule that works for your family.
  5. ENJOY
    • Enjoy your freedom, flexibility, and family time!

Tips for Successย 

The most important tips I can give you as you are beginning or pondering beginning the homeschool life are:

  • Remember that it’s NOT a public or private traditional school.
  • You don’t need to feel the pressure to work all day every day.
  • You don’t have to structure your day like a traditional school.
  • You don’t even have to keep the same pace!

You have the freedom to educate your children in a way that works with your family dynamic and to meet your kids where they are. Embrace that and I believe you will see your homeschool flourish!

FAQ About Homeschooling 

How many hours a day is required for homeschooling?

The answer to that depends on where you live and the age of your child. Check out HSLDA’s website for more info. It’s usually 5 hours or less…with 5 hours being at the high end for older grades.

We usually average 3-4 hours. Somedays it’s more depending on what we’re doing….and somedays it may be less if something is going on. And that’s ok!

What is the best homeschool curriculum?

I personally love looking at and choosing curriculums! However, there are so many fantastic choices that it can become very overwhelming. My advice would be to start by figuring out what your educational philosophy is:

  • Charlotte Mason
  • Traditional
  • Classical
  • Unit Study
  • Waldorf
  • Montessori
  • Un-schooling
  • Eclectic

From there, try to figure out what your teaching style is. Choose a curriculum that you look forward to teaching. After all, if you are enjoying the lesson, your children are more likely to enjoy it, too!

Knowing your children’s learning styles can be helpful, as well. And don’t forget to consider what works with your family’s schedule!

I’m a big fan of teaching “family style” as much as possible. With three kiddos, I personally don’t want separate books for every subject and every kid….I enjoy all of us learning together! Because of this, I use unit studies and incorporate some of Charlotte Mason’s philosophy into our homeschool. You can see what we’re using this year here.

How do I make sure my kids are socialized?

This one should be the least of your worries. ๐Ÿ™‚ There are so many ways that your child can and will be socialized without being in a traditional school setting. Some of those ways are:

  • Extracurricular Activities (paid for classes or sometimes through local schools)
  • Homeschool groups and co-ops
  • Community service opportunities
  • Field trips
  • Church (if you are a faith-based homeschool)
  • Playdates

How much does it cost to homeschool?

The cost of homeschool is entirely dependent on the choices you make. In general, it is more expensive than public school and less expensive than a private education.

There are some amazing curriculums out there that cost quite a bit, but there are also some amazing curriculums that don’t.

You can register with your county as a homeschooler for free, or you can pay an umbrella school (they operate as private schools) to keep track of the legalities for you. Some umbrella schools are even free! You just have to see what’s available in your state.

The most important thing to remember is that you get to control how much or little you spend and no matter what that number is, you will still be able to provide your child with a quality education!

Do colleges accept homeschoolers?

Absolutely! Colleges everywhere, from community level to Ivy League, accept homeschoolers. Often times, home-educated students are even valued for being hardworking and independent.

I would advise doing your research as your children begin approaching these ages and look into using a program that can provide you with transcripts and guidance if you feel that you need it, such as an umbrella school.

Wrapping It Up

As I said before, homeschooling can be one of the most life-changing decisions you make for your family. I think it can be an amazing change for the better, though, when parents are equipped with the knowledge and confidence to give it a try!

I hope this post has been helpful to you in you some way! If you have any questions that I’ve missed, please leave them in the comments and I’ll be sure to answer them.

Best of luck on your education journey!

how to homeschool

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