summer bucket list

Free Summer Bucket List…Find Out What Your Kids Want To Do!

How is summer already approaching?!? It always seems to sneak up on me!

Before our homeschooling years, I liked to plan fun themed activity weeks throughout the summer for fun ways to keep structure, spend time together, and still learn some things! It was also just a great way to spend the summer when my girls were younger.

Some of the themes we did were camping, it’s a small world, carnival, and Disney movies. The girls loved doing these themed weeks and my oldest will still ask to have a themed day every now and again. 🙂 You can find some of those plans here if that sounds like something you’d like to do. 🙂

Since becoming a full-time homeschooling family, I’ve not wanted to do as much planning for the summer….I want a break too! (Plus, I’m also usually trying to look ahead to the next school year.)

The other day, while putting together our summer routine and deciding what kind of things we might do this summer, I decided that the girls were old enough to give me some input into what they want to do. So I created this Summer Bucket List Printable!

summer bucket list

How am i using this summer bucket list?

I gave each of my girls a copy and let them write down 9 things they would like to do, one in each box. Then I’ll use that for ideas throughout the summer!

It was honestly so interesting to see what each of my children desire to do on this break from school. For example…all three of them want to visit family and go to the pool! One of them, however, wants to play legos, one wants to start cooking, and one wants to play with me. 🙂 And overall, most of what they want to do is really feasible (surprisingly!).

summer bucket list

is that the only way to use the summer bucket list?

Absolutely not! You can also use this to create one family summer bucket list together and then cross it off as you complete the activities, especially if you have much younger kids that may not be able to communicate what they want to do yet.

If you have older children, kids with full schedules throughout the summer, or just don’t want to plan a lot of summer activities, then this could also be used a personal summer bucket list! Instead of each child writing down things they want to do for the summer that may apply to the whole family, they could write down goals for themselves in each box and try to accomplish them all.

Some examples could be reading a certain number of books, learning a new skill, sending a card or letter to someone every week, etc.

How you use this is up to you!

Now to the FREE part. 🙂 It’s all yours at no cost. Just download below and enjoy making memories this summer!

If you’d like to follow along with our homeschool or keep notified of new homeschool resources then make sure to follow along….

Happy Planning!

the lead learner mom

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